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Project Inquiry Form - Pneumatically Actuated Gates

If you have an application where you feel that Obermeyer Hydro may be of assistance, please take the time to fill out the project inquiry form below to let us know a few details about your project. One of our sales engineers will be happy to contact you promptly.

Contact Information
Site Information
Please indicate whether the project is at a new facility or an existing facility.
Describe any existing features such as piers, abutments, intakes, etc...
Describe the dam foundation type (bedrock, sand, gravel, clay, etc...).
Describe the climate at the proposed site (i.e. tropical, arid, maximum/minimum temperature, etc...).
Please describe the electric service available for the control system if known (i.e. voltage, number of phases, current capacity).
Please describe the anticipated debris flow over the new gates.
Gate Information
Enter the length of the proposed Obermeyer gate.
Enter the height of the proposed Obermeyer gate, from the sill where the gate will be mounted, tot he top of the fully raised gate.
What is the maximum upstream level with respect to the bottom of the gate?
Please describe the intended gate function (e.g. level control, flow control, diversion, maintenance, etc...).
Please use this space to inform additional information relevant to your inquiry.
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