Spillway capacity is preserved as the low profile of the Obermeyer Gate System allows efficient passage of flood flows without any significant increase in flood pond elevation. This prevents dangerous overtopping of dam embankments or flood damage to upstream properties.
Many dams were built with seemingly adequate spillway capacity when they were originally constructed. In some cases, more recent data and improved hydrologic models dictate the need for increased spillway capacity. In other cases, downstream development such as urbanization or nuclear power plant construction has changed the dam hazard classification. In general the most practical method to conform to present spillway capacity standards at an existing dam is to lower the spillway invert elevation with attendant loss of reservoir storage capacity. Installation of Obermeyer Spillway Gates is the preferred means of preserving, or even increasing, reservoir storage capacity and yield in conjunction with a required lowering of the spillway invert elevation. This is an economical and proven approach to meeting dam safety mandates without sacrificing water storage or power generation.
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