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Project Highlight - Nanming River

The Nanming River is a large urban river in Guizhou Province, People’s Republic of China. Located on the southwestern China plateau, the river flows eastwards through Guiyang, China and is tributary to the Yangtze River. The watershed has been severely polluted by untreated sewage effluents for decades.

Image: Nanming River through Guiyang, China before Obermeyer Gate installation

The city of Guiyang, China is the capital of Guizhou Province and serves as the economic and commercial hub for the region. Located on the north bank of the Nanming River, Guiyang is the home for an estimated 4.3-million people. Given the city’s location directly on the Nanming River, the severely polluted nature of the Nanming watershed has negatively impacted urban development and personal wellbeing for many years. As part of the areas commitment to revitalize and develop the surrounding real estate, it was decided that Obermeyer Water Control Gate technology could be utilized to help turn an otherwise urban waste area into a beautiful oasis. The areas rebirth would enhance local real estate development and provide recreational opportunity while protecting the surrounding region from flooding.

Starting in October 2012, Obermeyer Hydro worked closely with local business partners and officials on a plan to utilize Obermeyer Pneumatic Gates to create several man-made impoundments that would greatly enhance the areas aesthetics. In January 2013, it was determined that four 8-meter high by 60-meter wide Obermeyer Gates spaced about 1000-meters a part through the Guiyang downtown urban corridor would provide the most economical and best technical solution.

Nanming River Gate Number Two foundation under construction. June 8, 2013

The design and construction schedule was very aggressive. To meet the owner’s expectations design and engineering work, gate fabrication, and on-site construction work were basically completed in parallel. Obermeyer Hydro was able to meet the objectives and on-site construction commenced in May 2013 with initial gate installation beginning in early June 2013. The gate panels, gate system anchorages, abutment plates, and air supply equipment were sourced in China to provide local content and minimize shipping schedule. The inflatable pneumatic actuators, hinge flaps, seals, and control systems were fabricated at and shipped from Obermeyer’s factory in Colorado, USA. Construction and gate installation proceeded through the balance of 2013 and the first half of 2014. The project was substantially completed in the fall of 2014.

Nanming River Gate Number Two under construction July 4,2013

The 8-meter gate height represents the tallest Obermeyer Gate installed to date. Thoughtful engineering and attention to detail allowed Obermeyer engineers to design a new anchorage system specifically for this size of gate without impacting the delivery or construction schedule. Unique dual chamber air bladder technology minimizes air bladder pressure, foundation loads, and allowed Obermeyer to use existing factory facilities for air bladder fabrication.

Anchorage system for 8-meter high gate

Dual chamber air bladder at Nanming Gate Number Two

The four 8-meter high by 60-meter wide Obermeyer Gates installed on the Nanming River Project are meeting the owner's needs and are operating as expected. The new impoundments have greatly improved the aesthetics of the Guiyang Nanming River corridor and have helped improve local real estate values.

The City is working to minimize the amount of pollution that is discharged directly into the river. Solid pollutants that enter the river upstream of Guiyang, collect and are deposited in front of the first gate installation. This allows only the cleaner surface water to enter the city. The water quality in the three downstream impoundments has greatly improved.

Nanming River through Guiyang, China after Obermeyer Gate Installation

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